Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's Sharin' Time, Folks

And I don't mean secret fantasies or sexual organs.

Here are a few lists. They are in list form because recent studies show that people are more likely to skim through a list of things in point form than they are to read full-blown paragraphs. I'm not sure who conducted these studies. The Institute of Completely Unnecessary Studies. I think they also did that study that said that people who read irrelevant blogs on the internet are generally lazier than the average paperback novel reader. I'm not having a go. I fall into both categories.
Here are a few lists of my recommendations of things you should definately take a look at this coming year. If you don't have any of these (and are too lazy to buy them) I can lend them to you. No I won't. I'll never get them back you cheeky slag.
OK, some lists. They are not ranked. Numbers mean nothing. Just lists.


1. On Writing by Stephen King
Beautifully written and essential reading for anyone who even has the slightest interest in writing anything. I will put everything in perspective for you.

2. The Gun Seller by Hugh Laurie
Yes, that Hugh Laurie. It's a hilarious book. How can it not be? It's written by Hugh bloody Laurie! However, it's also a great story, really well written.

3. Disquiet, Please: An Anthology of Humour Writing from The New Yorker
This is an anthology of humour pieces that were published in The New Yorker, written by the best of the best in comedy writing. I laughed out loud. That's rare with books.

4. The City and The Pillar by Gore Vidal
Yes, I know, I know. It seems like such a literary choice. No, I'm not getting pretentious on you (OK, maybe a little), but it's an incredible book. The end will leave your mouth like mine: agape.

5. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
Not for the faint of heart. Lots of sex and violence. Go read it now. You'll be glad you did, you little minx.


1. Tangled
Yes, the animated Disney movie. You might think I'm soft, but I totally cried during the lantern scene. Way to bring back the animated princess musical, Disney. *Thumbs up*

2. Inception
While I'm not as much of a fan of this movie as it seems everyone else is, it certainly was a great film. Go see it. Judge for yourself. You have to go deeper.

3. I Love You Philip Morris
I haven't seen this one yet, but I will see it soon, God help me. I think you should see it anyway. I think it's important that you do.

4. Leon: The Professional
It's one of those movies that you either love it, or you misunderstood it and got creeped out, so you hate it. I loved it. Frankly, if you don't love it, you should have your movie-watching priviledges taken away because you obviously can't tell a good movie from a gunshot wound in your left asscheek from where Gary Oldman will shoot you.

5. A Touch of Pink
This is my shout-out to Canadian film. It's no classic, but it's really cute and I love it.


1. Blackadder
I think no one should die without seeing all four seasons of Blackadder (plus all those extra movie-things they did). You will pee yourself laughing. I know I did. Kidding.

2. Fawlty Towers
Same here. Don't you go dying until you've seen it. It will only take you a day to watch both seasons. You can spare the time.

3. Brothers & Sisters
I loves my melodrama and this series has plenty of it, but it is also hilarious and really well done. Check it out.

4. A Bit of Fry and Laurie
I think I've already explained the virtues of this show enough. If you haven't checked it out already... Why do I even bother sharing genius?

5. Columbo
Because you haven't lived until you see Peter Falk massage his brow with cigar wielding fingers and mutter "Oh, and just one more thing..."

ALBUMS (Music, that is...)

1. God Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise - Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs
Honestly one of the best albums I've ever heard. Ever. Ray LaMontagne's other albums are seriously worth checking out as well. Ray is one of those artists that I actually have to stop listening to him for a little while because he is just TOO good.

2. Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds Live at Radio City Music Hall
This is a live album and it's better than most studio albums. They are both genius and I could listen to Dave all day long. Sometimes I actually swoon. Or what I equate with swooning because I'm not sure exactly what swooning entails. Just leaning back with my hand on my chest, smiling with a heavy sigh. Swoon. Check out the DVD of this concert too, which I also have.

3. Hands All Over - Maroon 5
This one is just so much freaking fun. All of the songs have me dancing or singing along. As are all their albums, actually.

4. Tourist History - Two Door Cinema Club
I mentioned this in my last post. Great album, such a unique and creative sound. For a debut album, it's a complete hit.

5. Sigh No More - Mumford & Sons
These guys are incredible. This is also their debut album, and it's bringing folk rock back into style, only a million times better.

Here's a song from God Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise called Like Rock & Roll and Radio. Feel the genius.

I'ma quit while I'm ahead, I think. I've tossed around the word genius more than a cat is swung in places where there is room to swing a cat.


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