Friday, July 30, 2010

Keeping It Real And Prepping For The Fall

Oh OK, so now I feel really bad. This is completely shameful and I do apologize. However, I shall redirect you to my very first blog post (over a year and 50 entries ago) and to how I said that I would try to keep up posting. Well, lately life is getting in the way of my so-called cyber-existence on this here blog. Nothing catastrophic or revolutionary, just grown up stuff. Stuff I should probably get used to doing more often.
I'm not talking about laundry and dishes, but school, work, and "networking".

However, I did just master the laundry machines a couple of months ago, and the dishwasher mere weeks ago, so I can cross those two things off of my "Things I Must Learn To Do Before I Move Out So I Don't Have To Bring My Crap To My Mom's House Every Week In A Hamper In Order To Keep My Life Free Of Unnecessary Stress, Financial or Social Predicaments, And/Or Unpleasant Diseases" list.
So far, doing my own taxes and making my own dentist/doctor appointments is still on that list. Don't worry, I'm working on it!

So what have I been doing, you ask? Well, spring session ended in June (obviously), and by "ended" I mean "survived with minimal psychological and social scarring". I may actually have learned a few things. Who could have predicted that? Not me. Oh and I passed. So, I've got that going for me.

I've starting writing a book. Stop it, stop it. I don't even know what it's really about yet, I really just wanted to write something longer than my five page short stories. So far, I have four pages of the first chapter written...
Success has never really been in my playbook.
Actually, I usually write the playbook with success in mind, but I can never connect all of the dotted lines and fancy arrows to the big red circle at the bottom that says SUCCESS - Now Go Get A Fudge Brownie and Relax.

I got my schedule for film school about a week ago. Looking pretty darn awesome, IF I do say so myself. I'm really excited. Not for the whole finding my way around a new school thing (because, let's be honest, I can barely find my own house from a block away with two trained Air Force navigators and a GPS) but I'm excited about just about everything else!

OK, enough catching up. In the recent months I have found a great deal of awesome new music, so the "new media" section of today's blog will have a machete-hacked version of all of my new music. It hurts my heart a little, but I need to learn to be cut-throat. Here goes:

Gary Go - Wonderful

Stars - Your Ex-Lover Is Dead

Brandon Flowers - Crossfire

Maroon 5 - Misery

Bat for Lashes - Daniel

Alright. Until next time America!
OK, not America, but whoever is reading this. I was just trying to be witty and/or profound. Told you I don't succeed...
