Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ten Thousand Lightning Bugs

Now, I would like to briefly (or not so briefly) mention Adam Lambert's performance during the AMA's on Sunday night... I was appalled, and I'll tell you why:

He fingered the audience, grabbed a female dancer's crotch, shoved a male dancer's head into his crotch, made-out with his (straight) male keyboard player (which was unplanned), and basically held an S&M party on stage. The part that appalls me is the fact that it was during primetime, so lots of kids were watching.
He claims that everyone is over-reacting and that female "artists" (such as Madonna) have been doing this stuff for ages. That may be true, but Madonna did it when she had been in the industry for 20 years and can survive a little controversy. Not to mention, nobody has ever done anything to the nearly X-rated extent to which Adam took it, so he can't even come close to making that claim.
He is even claiming that people are over-reacting because he is gay, which is ridiculous! He needs to get the idea into his head that if he had shoved a female backup dancer's head into his crotch, we would have reacted just as appalled. It was what he did, not who he did it to (and I know that sounds dirty, but so was his performance).
I think I can safely say that if his career isn't mostly over by this point, it's at least severly damaged. He's going to need a miracle to redeem himself for this and to gain back the thousands (or even sadly millions) of fans that he has lost because of this. Actually, I wouldn't be broken up about never seeing him again.
Bye bye Adam!

Here's the video for a song that's awesomely electronic and very catchy:
"Fireflies" by Owl City

Some of the lyrics of this song actually confuse me, yet make me giggle at the same time. There's one part that goes like this:

"Cause I'd get a thousand hugs, from ten thousand lightning bugs."

Now, does that mean that he gets a thousand hugs from a thousand small groups of ten lightning bugs? Or, does it mean that he gets a thousand group hugs from all ten thousand of them? Or, does it mean that he gets one hug from each of one thousand of the ten thousand bugs, and the other nine thousand don't get hugs?

OK, here is a video of Jim Carrey way-back-when he was on a little sketch comedy show called "In Living Color". It's where he got his start, and he was certainly the goofball we have all come to know and love. Here is one of his signature characters from the show: Fire Marshall Bill!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

The England Story

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I decided to read some of my extremely old diaries.
I have about six diaries all from around the same time. Why I kept lots of diaries simultaneously between about 1999 to around 2003 and each one only has about 4 entries in it, I have no idea. I was a strange child.

I am strangely intrigued at how intelligent, yet completely childish they are. They are all about boys I liked or friend problems, and that was the childish part. However, they are all meticulously dated, have very few spelling errors and interesting word choice. Very impressed with my 10-year-old self.

Now, there was one particular diary that I love the most. I snort-laughed last night, while trying to stay quiet, while reading it. I think it was probably one of my first diaries, and it's a self-designed Hunchback of Notre Dame diary. Very pretty. There's only two entries. The second one was dated Jan. 27, Sunday, 2000 (which would make me nine years old) and it simply said:

Today I am going swimming with Ariel.

However, it's the first entry that is extraordinary. It isn't dated, but since I'm assuming I got the diary for Christmas in 1999, I must have still been nine. I will let you read it for yourself, but I love it. The original is handwritten (quite badly) and in pencil. Here it is, absolutely verbatim from the diary (down to the punctuation), titled simply: The England Story.

The ship was at sea. The Captain was beening warned about a coral reef. The alarm went off. The ship hit the coral reef, than it sank. All but one drowned. That one was a lady. The lady who started england, her name was elizabeth.

Wasn't that beautiful? Here were my immediate thoughts:

- Did I really think this was how England began? Or was it like some freaky imagination thing that frequently happens with me?
- I can't believe I thought Elizabeth was the first ruler of England!
- Where is the ship and everybody else on it from?
- I can't believe I spelt "Captain" right, but I couldn't capitalize Elizabeth or England (even though it's capitalized in the title).
- So... she started an entire country... all by herself...
- Who was giving this "coral reef warning"? It's as if the reef came out of nowhere.
- Are there many coral reefs near the British Isles?
- What exactly is "beening"?

Oh well, I was entertained. It's fascinating to read my writing now and read my writing from 10 years ago. There's a slight difference, I hope. At least grammatically.

Just thought I would share that little tidbit.

Pip pip.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You Can't Post Videos In A Conversation

Today, a friend told me she only read one of my posts and she told me that it was just like having a conversation with me face-to-face, except without the other person to interject. I thought that was interesting. She said she doesn't need to read my blog because she talks to me in person and it's the same. I pointed out that I can't link to websites, imbed videos, or post pictures in a face-to-face conversation.
I win.

Blogging: 1
Interpersonal Socialization: 0

Here's a really cool visual illusion that Edward Norton posted on his Twitter page (yes, I'm still ashamed, no need to remind me).
Click here.

Today, I'm going to do something that I haven't done in probably 10 years. I'm going shopping for make-up. I know. That's really sad. I only realized it a few days ago when I was cleaning out my cluttered bathroom drawer and make-up bags and found a whole bunch of old gross make-up stuffs. I managed to find a few that were in good condition (mostly because they were gifts that I never used) but most needed to be thrown away.

So, I had my wisdom teeth taken out. Even though I was numb during the procedure, it still felt like the dentist was trying to rip my jaw off my skull with his bare hands. I spent the appropriate time recouping: lying on the couch for three or four days, eating pudding and Jell-O, watching movies. It was terrible...

Oh, and I was laughing my pants off last night (and by PANTS, I mean UNDERPANTS) looking at all of the pictures on this website: Photoshop Disasters
The Ralph Lauren ones crack me up the most. Does he really think that nobody will notice the fact that the model's hips have completely dissolved and her lower half is now made of plasticine? I personally think Ralph's next press release will claim that the model has a rare condition known as Rubber Anorexia. Oh, the media cracks me up sometimes...

Oh, and before I go, I would like to make a very important announcement (that you may or may not have heard already, but I'm going to go with not because it serves this blog better).
Johnny Depp is this year's People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive! This is his second time, and still completely deserved!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dishonorable Mention

This blog post has a very specific purpose.
As I am a loyal and regular follower of Ricky Gervais' blog, I (along with many other people around the globe) am obeying Ricky's orders to mention the bald manc twat known as Karl Pilkington in my blog.
He has also been referred to as a shaven monkey along with many other aliases, nicknames, and monikers. He is most commonly recognized and identified as the one with "a head like a f**king orange!"
My apologies to my readers who are offended by profanity, but that is really the only way to use that (now infamous) expression. Besides, I used asterisks so chill out.
There, I feel like I have contributed to Ricky's effort to get Karl known to more and more people, even if nobody reads my blog. I feel good.

Here is a wicked video I found of Coldplay covering Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" in an acoustic session:

Oh, and be sure to check out Jim Carrey's new website. It's da bomb!

Do not commit a crime in front of a plant as they are just as good as witnesses as any human.
If you fill out one of those organ donor cards, do not donate your eyes. You do not want to be a blind ghost.
If you knock on the ground, the worms will hear you and wonder what's going on.
Slugs are sticky because they lick the glue off of postage stamps. They sweat glue.
Did I tell you about the immune system?
Slippers are pointless.

I find the Ricky Gervais podcasts extraordinarily useful in judging my sanity at any particular point in a day, week or month. If I'm listening to a particular podcast and I start to think, "Karl is actually making some sort of logical sense", I know that I have lost my senses and that I need to read some science magazines, history books, or philosophy texts just to get my mind back. At the very least, I stop listening to the podcasts. I always go back to them though.

OK, that's enough Karl Pilkington references for one blog post.
Maybe one more...

The bid lin.
The lid bin.
The bin lid.

Monday, November 9, 2009

If Wisdom Teeth Are So Wise...

...then why are they even part of the human anatomy when you usually have them taken out anyway? That's what makes no sense to me.
It's like the appendix or the spleen. You don't really need it. Why is it there?

The reason I mention these particular demon-teeth, is because in two-and-a-half days, I get to have all four of mine surgically removed. That's right. Surgically. Here's the kicker: I will not be put under anesthesia because it's not covered by insurance so I get to watch the bloody horror in living colour. Not to mention spending the next few days in a house-bound state moaning and over-dosing on Jell-O, pudding, tomato soup, and painkillers as I recover.

So if you can spare a reasonable amount of sympathy that would be much appreciated. If you are all tapped out of sympathy, then you must know way too many people who are down in the dumps. Maybe it's your fault. Think about that.
Seriously, if you have any spare sympathy. Send it my way. I'll even take pity if that's all you can offer. I won't ask for empathy, that would just be mean. Compassion would also be very welcome, but that's probably asking for too much.

Well, today was my last day of school until Monday, so hallelujah for a week off of school! It's reading week at U of C, hence why my teeth appointment was made for Thursday so I would have ample time to "heal". I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my time. I should be catching up on my reading, but I'm sure that won't happen.
I'm actually glad that we have a week off, because almost all of October was absolutely insane, just assignment after paper after midterm, all back-to-back. Insanity, I tell you! Insanity!

So, I will sort through my weeks of e-mails and catch up on my correspondence (that includes you too Brooke, my apologies!) and catch up on my sleep. Also, if I decide that I should do some schoolwork, I may do an essay. Sounds like a party, I know.

Oh, I forgot to mention Halloween! It was pretty chillaxed, just played Rock Band with a friend and dressed up to hand out candy. This year I was Charlie Chaplin! I love him. It was a pretty awesome costume, IF I do say so myself. I made it the day of Halloween and didn't spend a penny. Resourceful? I think so! It says something about my wardrobe that I have a bowler hat, suspenders, and a grey suit vest lying around.

Here's Rufus Wainwright and his song "Going To A Town":

Yes, it is too bad that he's gay. He's pretty. All the pretty ones are gay. Depressing.

You should also check out two more of his videos:
Music video for "April Fools". The girl dressed as a Geisha is his sister, Martha.
Music video for his cover of The Beatles song "Across The Universe". Excellent cover.

I'm going to go tweeze my eyelashes, give myself papercuts between my fingers, punch myself in the nose, sit on some wine glasses, and shoot myself for joining Twitter.

Pluck. Slice. Gush. Crunch.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Creases of Distant Dark Places

What up blog readers? This is going to be a very short blog post, I just wanted to share a song with you that I just found. It is incredible! The lyrics and the vocals and the emotion and everything is just awesome.
The song is called "Set the Fire to the Third Bar" by Snow Patrol with Martha Wainwright.
Here is a video of them performing it in a studio:

Oh, and in case you are wondering, the title for this post is lyrics from that song. I haven't gone crazy or turned philosophical or drank drain cleaner or anything.

Oh, and I finished my drawing of Hugh Laurie, by-the-way. If you wanna see it, here is is:

Not too horrible, yes?


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where The Wonderful Things Are

So I've seen a couple of movies lately that I haven't seen before (whether they are really new or really old) and I'd like to take a little of your time (good Maroon 5 song, by the way) and share my experiences with you. Just humour me...

The Invention of Lying

I saw this movie in theatres a few weeks ago and it was freaking hilarious (as are most Ricky Gervais movies, because he's awesome)! However, since Ricky Gervais is an Atheist, so was the movie and apparently a lot of Christians are really offended over the content, however, I thought it was hilarious and I'm definately going to buy it!

Footlight Parade

It's an early talkie/musical, and I know it's certainly not supposed to be a hilarious as it turned out to be, but I could not stop laughing!
My favourite line:
Nan to her roommate Vivian: "As long as they've got sidewalks, you've got a job!"
Oh burn!!
And may I mention how much I love early movie trailers. They don't advertise the movie, they advertise the stars, the spectacle and the girls...

Where The Wild Things Are

Oh this one is my favourite of the three. I just saw this one two nights ago in theatres and I absolutely LOVED it! I saw it because I loved the book when I was little and the trailer looked awesome. The movie was just amazing! It may have lacked a tad plot-wise, but it was made up completely by the heart (boy, I sound so cheesey). There were just so many emotions you get when you watch it: happiness, sadness, excitement, fear; it's just... lovely! I will even admit that I teared up near the end. Highly recommended to everybody! I also really loved the way they made the "wild things". They had completely real bodies (with stunt people inside to do the moving of these giant costumes), and only the faces were CG to give them realistic facial characteristics. It looked amazing!
*Applauding with admiration for Spike Jonze*

Well, thanks for joining me for Jackie's Movie Review Corner. Hope you have a nice day!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Keen on Keane

Oh my goodness gracious, I have been out-of-this-world busy lately! As soon as I finish one essay, I just have to start on another one. I've had a bit of a two-day break but this weekend I have a whole other assignment to start on, so it truly never ends.

I've been working on my drawing lately (it's one of Hugh Laurie) after a long drawing hiatus (as I'm allowed to call it). It's coming along fairly well, a few bumps along the road with his scruffy beard but I got some new tools so now it's looking better. When I'm done I'll post a scan of it.

I'm also in the middle of reading "My Autobiography" by the brilliant Mr. Charles Chaplin. Fascinating read! Highly recommended.

I love a band called Keane so I thought I'd share a few videos of them, with you. Another lovely band out of Britain (that wonderful country truly has the greatest musicians, doesn't it?) and they have SO many great songs, here are just two of them.

Here's a live performance of "Nothing In My Way":

Here's a live performance of "Crystal Ball":

I would also like to apologize and say how disappointed I am with myself with the ridiculously uncreative title I gave this blog post. It's cliche, and I will now hate myself for a whole... 7 and a half minutes. It's a shame, I thought I had more imagination than that...


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

La Passegiatta

Stressed out much? I think so.

I had to do a presentation today in one of my classes and I seriously sucked BAD. I'm usually not too bad at presentations but this time it was terrible. It was probably because I was supposed to go last week but at the last minute the prof pushed it to this week. I was ready last week, not this week.
*Banging head against imaginary desk*

I also have a bunch of tests and assignments coming up in the next few weeks. Yuck.

Oh, and also, Halloween is just around the corner! While I should be excited that my second favourite holiday is around the bend, I am actually stressing out about plans and such. I desperately need a good costume idea! It needs to be creative, unique, and easy to construct from old clothes and make-up. I'm not sure whether I want to just stay home and hand out candy, or go to a party or clubbing. Tough decision, I know...

OK, here is an awesome video from Glee. I nearly peed my pants when I saw it:

I also highly recommend that you check out the Broadway musical "The Light in the Piazza" with Matthew Morrison, it's quite awesome. I haven't seen it but I've heard some songs and they're really good.
Download this: "Passegiatta"

Here's a video of Yo-Yo Ma and John Williams playing Sayuri's Theme from the score to "Memoirs of a Geisha". Bene!

OK, I've run out of things to talk about because I'm so bored (or boring if I am to be honest, or just self-depricating). I'll chat again later! Glee is on tonight! Watch it! If you don't, I will send Sue Sylvester out to get you, and she won't be cordial!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Going Green Equals Economic Recession

If everyone in the world (and by that I mean the uber-consumers of the western civilization, not to be prejudiced by any means) decides to suddenly go completely green - recycle everything they use, ride bikes, scarcely use any water, and reduce their consumption to levels of mere necessity - the world with be healthier, but our economy will be taken out with our cardboard and newspapers in the blue bin. In other words, the economical graph will flatline. In other words, it will freaking crash! If everybody decreases their consumption drastically, who is going to buy those gas-guzzling SUV's and the swimming pools with tons of water that evaporates into thin (or rather smog-clogged) air? Basically, what will happen to those multi-trillion dollar companies that survive off selling complete luxuries and greenhouse-gas/garbage/pollution producing unnecessaries, if people suddenly refuse to buy them? Even now, in this recession, companies like GM are suffering terribly and this isn't even a particularly bad recession. They blame other reasons for this recession, but I think this whole "green" trend has a lot to do with it too. There's a reason why the most public calls for government subsidies are from companies like GM who happen to produce vehicles. Vehicles which produce incalculable amounts of greenhouse gas. Vehicles that people have been told to not drive because of said gases filling our (apparently) delicate atmosphere.

Anyways, I'm obviously not an economist by any means. If there are any economists out there reading this little blurb (which, of course, there isn't), please don't e-mail me with an essay as to how completely wrong I am and that I should spend my hard-earned (I can't even type that with a straight face) dough on a basic economics class, or that I should just keep my wildly flapping trap shut about things that don't include the word "film".

Now, as to what I've been up to: school has started so I'm getting into the groove of things in that arena. Pretty good classes. However, my Art History Prof is so old and opinionated, I fear at any moment he could just keel over and heave his last wheezy breath. Yes, I do know that opinionated doesn't necessarily mean that he could die soon, but it's been known to happen...

Now, I also have many "film" events coming up pretty soon that I am pretty excited about. It's like all at once a bunch of things are falling into place. Mostly thanks to the not so grandios, but still opportunistically amazing, Calgary International Film Festival. This Saturday, I'm going to a documentary called "Rock Prophecies" and then to the after-party, which should be fun. Then the following Saturday, I'm going to a couple of film industry panels to learn about the art and industry of Canadian film and just film in general which should also be pretty interesting. In addition, I will soon be joining the Calgary Society of Independant Filmmakers and hopefully taking a workshop or two with them.

Exciting! Exciting!

...and now for the entertainment portion of the blog!
The strange game-show-host-esque quality that sentence was suppose to contain was stifled by the electronic nature of the blog, but I have faith in the power of your imagination that you can effectively conjure the correct vocal quality and replay it properly in your head.
Thank you.

Here is Beyonce singing "Listen" from the movie "Dreamgirls" live on Oprah. She has one of the best voices in the industry today, and this performance is certainly a great display of that.

Here is a video of two more of the greatest voices in the world. Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman singing "Time To Say Goodbye" (or if you're Italian, "Conte Partiro").

Here's another one of Andrea Bocelli. Just because he's awesome. The song is "Because We Believe".

OK, and I have got to admit, straight up, that I am a total and utter Gleek! That is "Glee" and geek put together... Yes, I LOVE that show! Matthew Morrison is awesome! This clip is particularly wicked because he raps!

OK, I think that's it for now.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Developing Addictions and Contracting STD's

That is what happens when you stay out too late at night hanging out behind 7/11's with shady characters you hardly know.
I'm just saying...
Not directed towards anyboby specific.
OK it is, and this person (young female) is the most two-faced, disrespectful, egomaniacal person I know.
You know who you are...

I would also just like to say that I have done neither. I just want to clear that up. Thank you. Unless, of course, my obsession with Junior Mints counts as a genuine addiction. I don't think so. I haven't had those in a long time and I'm totally fine. Totally fine...

Oh and I'm pretty sure they are technically called STI's now. I'm not changing the title.

Now I feel as if I should erase that, because I promised myself I wouldn't voice personal vendetta's on my blog. Oh well, I've already typed it out.

Anyways, school starts on Tuesday. Today is Sunday. That's really soon.
I'm also super excited about all of my TV shows that will be starting! House MD is coming back (of course)!! Totally psyched for that! There is also a new show called Glee that I really wanna watch. Oh, and So You Think You Can Dance is starting up again. We tried watching So You Think You Can Dance Canada but it seriously sucks asphalt.

I've recently discovered that my favourite accent (as of now) is the Scottish accent. It really is quite awesome. Difficult to imitate and some versions are nearly impossible to understand. Definitely an awesome accent. If I had a list of my favourite accents, it would definitely be near the top, if not number one. The English accent is also awesome, and Irish and Australian are nice too. However, there are some accents that just don't have that nice ring to them. Texan... German... Russian... All OK accents if you have them, just not exactly a great attracter of the opposite sex... IF ya know what I mean. I also happen to quite like the New York accent. It's not for everyone but I find that it has that... dangerous thing going for it.

I'm watching "The Breakfast Club" right now. Cool movie. Bender is hilarious. I love those Brat Pack movies from the 80's. "Weird Science", "Pretty in Pink", "Ferris Beuller's Day Off" and all that.

I'm gonna sign off but, as per (relatively) usual, I'm gonna leave you with something. This time it's a music video of Sam Roberts song "Bridge to Nowhere". Enjoy!



Monday, August 31, 2009

My Love/Hate Relationship With The Internet

So tonight I was attempting to hook up the wireless internet to my vile sister's Wii, and I encountered a problematic situation. By "problematic" I mean that it was one that seemed simple enough but turned into one that made me want to peel the skin off my palms with a butter knife.

Now I never claimed to be a computer or technology whiz, and I certainly never will, but I never considered myself a particular dunce when it came to that stuff either. However, this task might just do me in...

I just spent the entire night searching online, troubleshooting, for ways to find out why it wasn't connecting. It told me a whole array of procedures and strategies, none of which worked, that included refreshing the IP address, finding the WEP or WPA keys, and doing strange things with firewalls. I tell you, I'm close to setting a real wall on fire.

Now, you must be thinking about the title of this here blog post and it also contains the word "love" in reference to the internet and you might be confused because I have only been ranting about the "hate" part.
Here's the kicker. The reason I love the internet is because of the fact that I actually could look up the specific problems I was having and find very specific answers to the exact problem! The great thing about the internet is that if you are having a problem, there is always someone else out there with the EXACT SAME problem who will post it on the internet along with some solutions. It truly is great. Anything from Wii internet connections to the amount of chocolate your dog can eat without kicking the bucket to how to gain mob family members in the iPod game-app iMob.

So, thanks to the internet, I now know that all I have to do tomorrow is restore the default settings on my wireless internet router and then I should be able to find the WEP key and all should be well! If I could only be so lucky...

All of this just so my sister can download songs for Rock Band II. Sheesh.

Moving on. I did go camping this past weekend. It was an interestingly strange, yet all-around pretty fun, experience. I've never played Rock Band that was projected on to the side of a trailer in the middle of the wilderness before.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually looking forward to this up-coming school year. Gasp! I know, I know. I think I'm looking forward to it because it's not like high school. I am only taking the classes that I want and I have so much more freedom to do what I want with my time. I'm getting the feeling that with summer and everything, the family is just getting sick of being around each other, so school should definitely help with that.

Actually, as summer is sort of wrapping itself up (in the sense of no-school, not in the sense of the season because it's certainly still hot enough to be summer), I am kind of disappointed that I didn't do more of what I had planned to do. I wanted to do lots of writing and art and movie-stuff in the summer, but I just either didn't have the time, or didn't have the energy. I really do enjoy my days of doing absolutely nothing and as I get older (*boo hoo*) I know I won't have anything like that in the future, so I'd like to embrace my doing-nothing time while I'm still young (*boo hoo*). However, I must say that various events throughout the summer and the past year have certainly given me many (and I mean tons) of ideas for writing. The best inspiration is life-experience.

Well, I'm pretty tired so I think I'll turn in.
Before I go, I'd like to leave you with three things:

1. A lovely picture of Edward Norton:

2. A lovely video of Neil Young singing "Old Man":

3. A lovely quote from the Anglo-Irish painter Francis Bacon:

"Champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends."


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Love American History

"American History X" that is.

Just watched that movie last night. It is the best movie that I have seen in a really long time. Holy crap, it was freaking amazing! I was bawling like a baby at the end, and I darn near cried thrice while watching it! I've always liked Edward Norton, but now I think I'm in love. He is just so freaking talented, and severely good-looking to boot! Heck, I'm STILL in shock at how hard-hitting and incredible that movie was! Good Lord, I'm glad I bought it!

In case you don't know what it's about, it's about neo-nazi skinheads. Derek Vinyard (Eddie Norton) goes to jail for killing two guys and when he comes out, he no longer believes in the whole white-supremacy thing and he tries to save his younger brother from his same fate. So very good!

Edward Norton is the buff one with hair.

I also watched "Atonement" a few days ago. It's not really my kind of movie. It was OK, not one of my faves. I do love James McAvoy though!

Doesn't it seem like a pattern that I am willing to watch terrible movies just because I like a particular actor that may be in it? Haha, oh well. Not that "Atonement" was terrible, it wasn't, just not my cup of tea.

Here's James. He's Scottish!

Well, I gotta get back to doing nothing. I can't fall behind on that, or I'll just be cramming my doing-nothing time into a smaller time-slot later. That can't happen. I do have to work tonight, so I have even less time to do nothing. I better get on it!

Alrighty, I'll post later, and in the mean time; go watch "American History X". You won't regret it. Just make sure you are 18, because I'm pretty sure it's rated R.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Hand Really Hurts For Some Reason

I have no idea why though... I don't remember banging it against anything.

Ya, so if you haven't guessed, nothing is really new with me.

Oh, I did get a hair cut. Well more than one hair, all of the hairs on my head were cut; and coloured. It's OK.

The trailer for "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" just came out!
Check it out:

Heath Ledger and Johnny Depp in one movie!! Lovin' it!!

This weekend, I'm going to totally chillax and do nothing but watch movies on TV (meaning ones that I don't own). I love seeing movies that I've never seen before, but I also love watching movies that I have seen before but love. I just love movies, but not bad ones apparently.

OK, I gotta go ice my hand.


Monday, August 3, 2009

How Will I Survive Work Now?!

This just in: Tim Horton's is leaving the Crowfoot RONA at the end of August.
This can only be described as the ultimate tragedy.

It's not like I went there every shift or anything, but when I did... it was heavenly, and it made working there all the more tolerable. Oh... so sad.

Whilst wollowing in self-pity at the loss of my beloved Tim Horton's, I realized something completely random. I can probably give you a top 100 list of my favourite actors, but I haven't really considered who my favourite actresses are. Here are a few in no particular order:
Kate Winslet, Helena Bonham Carter, Judi Dench, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Charlize Theron, Franka Potente, Audrey Tautou, Emily Watson, Marion Cotillard, Kerry Washington, and many more.

I've decided that this Friday will be the day that I get my iPod Touch. So excited!

There was a crazy thunderstorm last night. The hail was so loud, the rain so heavy, and the wind so strong! I felt like my house was going to lift up and get whisked away to somewhere horrible! Like Quebec...

Anyways, I'm going to sleep, but I'll post again fairly soon.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Home, Home on the Range!

Where the deer and the dirty clothes play.

And yes, there is certainly an abundance of them. Dirty clothes, not deer. Well, there are a lot of deer in Alberta, but nowhere near me. Whatever. Anyways, the clothes are so foul that I think they could possibly get up and play just to tease me with their grossness.

The reason there are so many nasty clothes is because we just got back from vacation today. Had a really fun time. Not really a fan of the stinking heat that exists in California, but we dealt with it. I won't go into details about the trip on my blog, but if you want to know every little part, then just talk to me. Communication is a beautiful thing, but it gets tarnished via the internet. It is actually like taking Cinderella (and she was supposed to be beautiful, right?) and taping her mouth up so she has to talk (and sing, because she does that) through writing on a chalkboard around her neck. Oh, and putting a silly hat on her.

I sure did miss a lot (entertainment-wise) while I was gone! My goodness gracious! The Tim Burton "Alice in Wonderland" movie trailer came out, and here it is. I'm lovin' it so far.

I also missed the debut of the brand new music video for Coldplay's song Strawberry Swing. It has got to be one of my favourite music videos. Not just out of Coldplay's videos, but of all of the videos I've ever seen! Here it is.

I really want to get my iPod Touch asap, but I just had to pay my cell phone bill, so I'm a little short on the moola at the moment. I guess it'll have to wait a "touch" longer (pun absolutely intended).

While I was away, Tif looked after the house (plants and cat) and did a mighty fine job of the task if I do say so myself. My tomato plants look A-wait for it-MAZING! I even see a couple of buds on there, which means I'll actually get tomatoes off of those plants (it was touch-and-go there for a bit).

Wow, this particular blog post uses the word "touch" a lot. OK, only four times. Let's see what I can do about that.

"Once upon a time there was a little girl who liked to make cards. She made touching cards for her mother and her mother was always so touched. When she made the cards she touched the paper, and she touched the crayons, and she touched the glue and the glitter, and she touched the scissors. Her mother found her creativity touching, but then she found the little girl cruelly touching the family dog and now the little girl isn't allowed to touch her scissors and the dog at the same time. Now it's a touchy subject. Not so touching."

Nice, in that strangely terrible little paragraph, I have increased the total to eleven.

OK, I'm done.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand... cut.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Takin' A Much Needed Vacation

Tomorrow morning, very early, me and the family will be catching a plane to California and travelling around that area for 16ish days! I desperately need this vacation. For the last few weeks I have been going non-stop, and I'm always tired. I can't wait. I really want to go swimming.

Finished my course, hopefully in time to reverse the zombification that it caused. I got a B. Not too bad. I'm happy I just don't have to take it again, thank goodness.

I've decided that, when I get back from vacation, that I'm going to buy an iPod Touch. Not an iPhone because I already have a good phone. I'm really excited about it. The iPod I have right now is fairly old and worn out.

Went to the Stampede twice this year. I love the Stampede, it's always awesome. However, it did rain for most of the second day that I went, which sucked, but was still fun. I don't go on rides or play games or anything; it's just an excuse to eat deep-fried everything for the entire day, see horses, and watch foreigners try to don western-wear without looking ridiculous (which isn't possible, by-the-way).

Alrighty, I gotta go finish packing.

P.S. Sorry about the new poll. I couldn't figure out whether Batman, Spiderman, or Superman were one word or two. Does anyone really know? I don't. I guess that's part of what makes them so mysterious...


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The World Was Shaking So Much I Couldn't See The Pretty-ness

I just saw "Public Enemies" in theatres.

It' s a really good movie, but there are also things that if I could meet Michael Mann, I would smack him upside the head for:

- Johnny Depp was incredible as always. I think this is one of his best performances because he pushed himself emotionally farther than I've seen him go in a while (since his earlier, more "indie" movies). He is simply brilliant! Wonderfully pretty too, as per usual.

- Christian Bale was good, he did his job, but wasn't nearly as dynamic as Johnny. Of course, his character was only a supporting role to Johnny's, but he still could have done more with it. Still pretty though.

- The supporting cast was also really good (especially Marion Cotillard).

- The one thing that I really dislike about this movie though, is that the camera wouldn't stop moving!! It was handheld the entire time! It was bouncing and twisting and whipping around so much I couldn't see what was going on during half of the action scenes. There were also too many really-really-really-close-up close-ups. This movie was shot in digital (as opposed to film) so it was HD and very realistic, which exposes every little detail (and really told me who the truely great actors were among them).

- Oh and for some reason, Christian Bale looked a lot older than Johnny Depp in this movie, when in real life Christian is about 11 years younger than Johnny. Go figure.

Take a look at this resemblance:

In case you didn't know; Dillinger is on the left, Depp on the right. You should know, unless you live in a cave or a hut in Malaysia (no offense to any Malaysians who may be reading this).

This is the eighth time that Johnny has played a real life character. He manages to transform himself into each role every time in a ridiculously uncanny way. Here are a few more pictures from his past movies when he plays a real person. Remember: real person on left, Johnny on right:

Ed Wood (from the movie "Ed Wood")

Hunter S. Thompson aka Raoul Duke (from the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas")

George Jung (from the movie "Blow")

Cool, ya?

Turns out I didn't need the help of the brainless monkeys over at Abobe PhotoDeluxe who are busy scratching their own cabooses. I figured it out all by myself. *Pats self on the back*

I'll leave you with a strange music video for a song I like. Here you go:

P.S. Please feed my fish. His name is Walter, and he is in the top left-hand corner of my blog. Click in his little area to feed him. He will follow your mouse around. Cute. I also added a poll (which will change weekly), so please vote.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Why Do People Watch "Dr. Phil"?


I have done some thinking about this in the time that I haven't been studying, and I have deduced that there are three reasons why people watch "Dr. Phil". It could be a combination of a few or just one. Here they are:

- People watch it to see people who are more sick, twisted, and dysfunctional than they (or their family) are.

- People watch it to see people whine and *itch about their terrible lives when theirs is so much worse.

- People watch it because there is nothing else on, and they are possibly masochistic.

That's my theory.

Take it or leave it.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

That'll Be The Day (When I Actually Study For A Test)

Went to see "The Buddy Holly Story" at Stage West on Friday night. It was really good! The guy who played Buddy Holly was really good (but he didn't look enough like Buddy for my liking, actually he was better looking than Buddy). After the show he was selling CD's of his band "The Human Statues" by the door. I didn't buy one, but the people I was with did, and we listened to it in the car. Not bad, I suppose. All of the songs kinda sounded the same. There was one good song; can't remember the title... man on the radio, or something to that effect. The whole CD has a very strong Buddy Holly vibe.
If "The Human Statues" are reading this (which they aren't) here's few tips that you may or may not find helpful, from me to you (great Beatles song):
- Kick up the bass (drum and guitar) quite a bit. Right now the songs sound a tad hollow.
- Not quite so much rhythm guitar. I know you are good at it, but it gets old really fast.
- Mix up your instruments. I suggest violins, or some other different instruments, but I know that can get a bit pricey.
- Stretch your vocal limits. The lead singer has a great voice, but right now, all of the vocals on every song is the same. Experiment with the capabilities of your voice and you'll get a more dynamic album.
- Song lyrics are generally pretty good, but some are quite cheesey. If that was your goal, then you've succeeded.
Well, that's it. My message to the band that isn't reading this blog. Ya.

Right now I am supposed to be studying for my General Studies 300 (remember... the class that has turned me into a hypothetical zombie?) final exam. I'm a chronic procrastinator and that will never change (unless I'm doing something I actually want to do or enjoy doing).

Last night I watched "Amelie". An incredible French film starring Audrey Tautou and Mathieu Kassovitz, both of whom I love! I can't get enough of that movie, even if subtitles aren't the funnest part of a movie.

OK, I will leave you with a cool film clip from the movie "Trainspotting".

Choose Life.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Reminiscing About Old Good Movies

On Friday night I watched most of "Boogie Nights" and it reminded me just why I thought it was such a great movie in the first place. It is an incredibly crafted and well-made film by the wonderful Paul Thomas Anderson (filmmaker of "There Will Be Blood", another awesome movie). The acting is just amazing all around. I have to make a special mention to Philip Seymour Hoffman. While his role was small, he was absolutely brilliant. It didn't matter whether he was the focus of the shot or not, he was always in character and you could just watch his little character ticks and everything he did had a purpose. I incredibly admire an actor that can do that.

On Saturday morning I watched "The Truman Show" and was again reminded why it is one of my favourite movies. Jim Carrey gives one of his best peformances to date, he is wonderful to watch. The direction was awesome, as was the music.

What is weird is that I watched both of these movies on TV, but I own both as DVD's.

I went out with friends to a pub on Saturday night, which was fun. Had a Crantini and the spring rolls. Talked about complete nonsense for a long time.

However, this weekend I did spend a grand total of 14 hours working on a 13 page essay with Tif. It's in script format and it consists of Aristotle, Cesare Beccaria, and Elizabeth I discussing changes that should be made to The University of Calgary's Sexual Harassment Policy. *Holds hypothetical gun to head, pulls trigger, and hypothetical brains shoot out the other side.*

Painted my toenails purple.

Visit http://www.deadwhale.com/. Lots of awesome games!

Watch this. Brad Pitt being crazy in these clips from "12 Monkeys".



Thursday, June 18, 2009

Viva La Coldplay!

Oh my goodness! That was the best comcert EVER! It couldn't possibly have been greater! The seats weren't as bad as I had expected, but they were still kinda far. I still had an incredible time! I loved them limitlessly before, but now I love them even more!!

Here's a play-by-play and a theme-by-theme record of the night:

- Well, it opened with the band Howling Bells (they were the opening act for the opening act - tough gig) and they were pretty good. Then Snow Patrol came on and they were great. No match for the headliners though.

- During the transition to the Coldplay stage, there was this one roadie that looked like he was just sweeping the stage, but then a spotlight came on and he started break-dancing to the hip-hop music that was playing. It was totally awesome!

- Before we went in, I bought a T-shirt that says "Life in Technicolor" on it. I love merchandise!

- Now for the songs they played, they did a remix of a few songs which rocked. So here's a semi-list of the songs they did, in relative order, as close as I can remember: Life in Technicolor, Violet Hill, Clocks, In My Place, Yellow, Glass of Water, Fix You, 42, God Put A Smile Upon Your Face (remix), Talk (remix), The Hardest Part (remix), Postcards From Far Away, Viva la Vida, Cemetaries of London, Strawberry Swing, Lost!, Green Eyes, I'm a Believer (Beatles cover), Politik, Death and All of His Friends, Lovers in Japan, The Scientist (encore), and Life in Technicolor ii (encore). OK, I definately screwed up the order, but that's a songlist nonetheless.

- About three-quarters of the way through the show, Chris made the techs turn all of the lights off in the Saddledome and we all did the Mexican Cell Phone Wave. It was freaking awesome!

- All of the cool song-specific effects were there! The lasers for Clocks, the giant yellow crowd-surfing balloons for Yellow, and the butterfly confetti for Lovers in Japan.

- Chris and Jonny were just as "lovey dovey" as usual. They were awesome! They are truely blood brothers! I love how totally in-sync the entire band is with eachother, it's like nothing could ever separate them! Will Champion even sung a song for us!

- At the end of the concert we got the free live CD that we were promised!

Had the best night in a long freaking time!

(I did not take this picture...)

I'm off to listen to my live CD and watch some Coldplay music videos. I encourage you to do the same. Do it. Now. Worship Coldplay for the musical geniuses that they are. Go.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Heliocentric Model

I already knew that the sun was at the centre of the Solar System and for some reason we did our presentation on Galileo for the class that's turning me into a zombie. He was definately one of the better choices out of the ones that were on the list of potential presentation topics. Certainly better than Adam Smith. *Snore* Capitalism is SO sixteen months ago!

Anyways, that class will eventually be the death of me. I'll be lucky to clear a decent mark. Our presentation wasn't that bad, I don't think. We had a video at the end (made by yours truly) and rockin' baked goods. Life Lesson #437: You can never ever go wrong with baked goods!

I saw "My Life In Ruins". Not so great. It's one of them fluffy, chick-flick, cliche movies. If you are into those, you might like it. It's just not really my tea and crumpets with jam.
I did watch the last half of "Trainspotting" (a work of the marvelous Danny Boyle) one morning and I really (really really really really really) want to see the whole thing!

Going to the Coldplay concert tomorrow night!!! That's right! The night I've been waiting for for months is finally here! I will have to bring binoculars in order to see there brilliance better from the seats we are in, but that's no problemo.

New shows to keep your eye on:
- NCIS: Los Angeles
- Law and Order: UK

OK, here's the trailer for the movie "Nine" that's coming out in November. By the same director who did "Chicago"; Rob Marshall. It's got Daniel Day-Lewis (Mr. Amazing himself), Judi Dench, Sophia Loren, Marion Cotillard, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, and Kate Hudson. Seriously! Look at that cast! And it's a musical!!! I'm infatuated with this movie already.
Here it is:

Also, here is the music video for a song I really like. Amy Macdonald's "This Is The Life":


Sunday, June 7, 2009

They Grow Up So Fast...

You see what I did there? The title could be referring to the fact that on May 28th, I turned the ancient age of 19, or it could be referring to the fact that my baby tomato plants are growing up to be lovely little tomato plantlings. It will still be quite some time before we see any lovely little tomatoes, but every inch counts.

Well, I had a good birthday. I'll leave it at that, but it was fun.

Sorry (again) that it's been such a long time since my last post. What is wrong with me? Not being loyal to my blog is shameful. Simply shameful behaviour. Only 3 posts in May all-together? Shameful.

I did get the first season of Arrested Development for my birthday. Such a funny show! Gotta love Gob (Will Arnett)...

I have a project to work on for the class that is progressively turning me into a zombie (also known as General Studies 300). It's on Galileo. He was an interesting and revolutionary fella. Should be fascinating, or stressful, who knows.

I've been reading up on the rules, or laws (as they're called), of the wonderfully British game of Cricket. Relatively similar to baseball, but more interesting in my opinion. I wish they had Cricket games televised in Canada, I would watch it!

I've moved up to hard on guitar in Rock Band 2. I'm not too bad either. Just thought you should know that.

Here are the movies I want to see this year:
- Night at the Museum: Battle for the Smithsonian
- Public Enemies
- Bruno
- Taking Woodstock
- 9
- The Invention of Lying
- Where The Wild Things Are
- A Christmas Carol
- Nine
- Sherlock Holmes

Two movies called nine; crazy right? I know.

Do you ever get bored reading something that you've written? It's like getting bored of listening to yourself talk, only more boring. I'm kind of feeling that now, a little. Maybe I should stop typing, but I can't. It's like my hands have taken over my brain. Wow. That was probably the most boring thing I have written in this entire blog. If I ever get bored when I'm writing my short stories, I usually delete the entire thing and start again. Should I do that with this blog? No, because the spontaneousness of a blog is what makes it what it is. Oh well.

There's a reason why snore rhymes with bore.
If there isn't; there is one now.

Speaking of writing.
Here's another story. The challenge I gave myself for this one was to write a story entirely in dialogue. So, don't expect a plot...

Familiar Nonsense

Next story coming soon.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Spring Has Sprung Then Withered

I wonder if spring will actually stay for longer than 36 hours before another mini-snowfall. Calgary has such screwball weather. My baby tomato plants won't have a proper youth if they are kept inside while they are growing up!
Anyways, sorry it's been so long since the last post, I've been preoccupied.
Spring session has started. General Studies 300. Ya. The reading list burns my eyes and the subject matter cooks my brain.

I got a new cell phone! Which is awesome. The first one I got failed, so when I got back from the cabin, we took it back and got a new one, which works awesomely. It's an LG Keybo in black.

The angonizing and debilitating fungus that sucks the very life and soul out of me and its very presence makes me want to shove bamboo violently under my fingernails, slam my head in a car door, and jump out of a 28 story building while running a razorblade across my tongue had her birthday yesterday. Oh and she is also know in some circles as Connie; my sister. Don't get me started...

Anyways, my birthday is on the 28th and I'm kinda excited. I'm getting old...
I am looking forward to clubbing with my friends though! That should be fun.

Finale of American Idol was on Wednesday. I'm so glad Kris won. I was getting so annoyed at Adam's constant screaming, it's not a nice sound to listen to.
I've started to watch this season of The Bachelorette. I'm not entirely sure why, but it's addictive.
The House MD finale was on, not last Monday but the Monday before. SO GOOD! Oh my goodness, I can't wait for next season! It's not fair that the writers of a TV show have the power to generate such anticipation in the everyday public. Too much power, if you ask me...

Here's an artist I'm really into right now: Teddy Thompson.

And here's Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno. Love him!


Friday, May 8, 2009

Satanic Housewives

Here it is. From me to you (awesome Beatles song, by-the-way). Some advice.
Don't make the same mistake I did.
Do not, under any circumstances, walk through the "clean-white-sheets" section of a Home Outfitters while holding a strawberry Jugo Juice. All of the little old conservative housewives in that store burned me with their stares of disapproval. I think they may have stolen my soul...
Oh, and for God's sake, don't stir it vigorously!! Also, don't put it down anywhere! I can only imagine what their reaction might have been if I had actually spilled it on something. Holy crap, they probably would have had an aneurysm, or at least mauled me and gouged my eyes out with the keys to their navy blue mini-vans.

Well, that was just today.

However, as I promised a few days ago, I am obligated to tell you about what happened with the friends at dinner last Saturday. Well, me and my friend Tif, we decided to prank call our other friend (it was just the three of us at dinner). So the day before the dinner we called her once, and the day of the dinner we called her again. And by "we" I mean "me", but Tif was certainly a co-conspirator. I called her on her iPhone both times and pretended to be from a fictional casting agency we dubbed "The Elizabeth Jordan Casting Agency". Each time I was a different character. The first time I was "Jenna" with a British accent, and the second time I was "Andy" with a "New York -ish" accent. They were both looking for a one "Devin Parcell". Both characters were fairly stubborn and refused to believe that they had a wrong number. She didn't know it was me at all!! Well, it all went perfectly smoothly, and we were planning on telling her at dinner that the calls were me. However, when we told her, she didn't find it even remotely hilarious! Can you believe it?!! Maybe we have an annoying sense of humour but both me and Tif found it extraordinarily funny. Oh well, you can't win all the time.

Anyways, I've just recently planted little tomato plant seeds. I can't wait until they germinate so I can repot them and stake them. Oh my, I think my thumb is turning green...

On a final note, I found these videos on YouTube last night. I was looking for a video for "A Fifth of Beethoven" by Walter Murphy, which led me to watching a video for how to do The Hustle, which led me to these. These are inmates in a prison in the Phillipines and the warden uses dance for rehabilitation. There are a bunch of other ones, but these two are my favourite. Enjoy!

I know what you're thinking and yes, the one that looks like a chick... is a dude.
The "Thriller" one is my personal fave.

And now, in the words of Porky Pig...
That's all folks!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Out and About

Well, I'm finished all of my exams! WOOT! The English one really sucked, I know I didn't write enough, but I don't particularly care anymore.

Had a fun day playing musical shots with friends on Thursday. "Across the Universe" is ten times more interesting and psychadelically more trippy when you have a shot every time a new song comes on (Note: there are about 33 songs in "Across the Universe"... Ya). We also watched "Rent" and I cried.

Yesterday, I returned some old textbooks for a meager fee, then I saw "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". It was pretty good. Hugh Jackman was hot. I think I will like it more once I watch the other X-Men movies. Then, I went to work. Fairly uneventful, but not bad.

I plan on doing absolutely nothing for the next two weeks until my spring session start (May 14 - General Studies 300). The prof for that class sounds terrifyingly enthusiastic about it and that really scares me.

I've also been watching seasons of "30 Rock". Pretty funny show actually. I love Devin Banks (Will Arnett), and his hilarious "gay-ness". A very close second in the running for my favourite character on that show is Kenneth the Page. Oh the naivety!

Going out tonight after work to dinner with friends. That should be fun/interesting. I will bring you updates on a particular aspect of the evening (that has taken a certain amount of premeditation and preparation) that I think you will find hilarious (whoever you are).


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Das Ist Der Perfekte Tag (...Not Really)

So I wrote my French Cinema exam on Friday, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I didn't have to BS my way through any of the questions because I actually knew the answers. Go me.

I still have one more exam on Monday, English: Drama. It means I actually have to write a decentish essay, which is never all that fun. It's also at 7:00-9:00pm! I want to find the exam scheduler people and bang their heads together, then maybe they will stop hating students. However, I can't particularly complain, I suppose, it gives me almost all of tomorrow to study as well.

On the Tuesday after that, I'm going to a friend's to play... You guessed it! ROCK BAND!! Apparently she got a whole bunch of new songs. I have been slated to be the lead singer for a particularly catchy German song by some German rocker chick. I think I've been studying the lyrics to that song more than I have been studying for my English exam. It's called "Perfekte Welle" by Juli if anybody is interested.

I saw "The Soloist" yesterday. It was really good. I thought Robert Downey Jr.'s performance was the best part about the movie, and I'm not just saying that. He is extraordinarily talented. I envy him. Jamie Foxx was OK, usually one-note, but he had a few good moments.

Got a new lamp for my bedroom. It has an easy on/off switch, unlike my last lamp that I may or may not have intentionally broke...

Got some chocolate-covered ju-jubes. That was enough to make my day.

OK, back to studying... Or at least avoiding studying by watching my dog play with her stuffed lobster toy.

Auf Wiedersehen

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Some Bad Short Stories

Since I recently found a little program to convert my Word documents into PDF files, I have decided to post some of my short stories in my blog. They aren't particularly good, but I have fun writing them. If you are deathly bored at any time, take a look a them and let me know what you think! They range from five pages to one page. Who knows, maybe once I actually get semi-decent ideas for stories, they might get longer. OK, these aren't really in any special order. I guess they are somewhat chronological (most recent at the bottom). I may post more in future blogs as I write them, but for now these are the ones I've written so far. These have all been written just for fun, for no reason. However, I did submit "Vinny and the Other Wiseguys" as an English assignment in Grade 11 and I got a 97 (I think).

OK, enough blab, here they are.
Click on the button that says "Click here to start download..." and then just click "Open" in the pop-up box. You don't have to save it, not unless you want to, if you're that strange...


Vinny and the Other Wiseguys

Wally's Kitchen World

Let's Walk

The Astronomer

The Accident

Small World

The Usurer

Cue Memory

I Don't Know If You Remember Me But...

Infomercial (This one might seem slightly controversial to some overly-sensitive people, but it's the shortest of all of my stories; it's only one page.)

Don't judge me, I already told you they aren't that great.

Did my first exam yesterday: Linguistics. Pretty easy actually. Anyways, I've still been playing Mafia Wars, which is still awesome. Not much else that's new.

OK, I'm off to watch American Idol and tomorrow I'll start studying for my French Cinema exam on Friday.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

John is Definately the Cutest Beatle

So regular classes are over now! Hoorah!

Instead of studying for the three exams I have approaching, I have been playing online Mafia Wars and Tetris, simultaneously. I am that talented...

As I am typing this, my dog is franticly searching for a place to hide from the evil force that is the vacuum cleaner. Personally, I don't see its evil side but if Luna-bear sees it as evil, then it must be. What does she think it's going to do to her? Suck her into a black hole or some vast abyss occupied by dog-eating giant worms?

Amongst my inactivity, I did spend a lot of my time yesterday cleaning my room; which, before yesterday, was nearly uninhabitable. You couldn't see the carpet, in other words. I spent most of that time reorganizing my bookshelf. It's very pretty now and only has books on it that I actually read. So if anybody is looking for any books for any 5-12 year olds, I have recently come across a bunch that I have no use for. We can negotiate a price later...

Searched for some Beatles videos on YouTube a few days ago. I found all three first appearances they had on The Ed Sullivan Show. Unfortunately, the scabs at whatever copyright "company" found the first and third shows and took them down. It proves their stupidity that they found the first and third but not the second. Losers. Anyways, here is their second appearance and only one song ("She Loves You") from their first appearance.

Watch this...

...and this.

My favourite part of any of the videos from The Beatles appearances on that show was seeing the "bobby-soxers" (sort of) faces as they are watching "The Fab Four". How can they hear the music above their screaming? It's a wonder why most of them didn't go into cardiac or respiratory arrest!

Well, that's about it for now.

R.I.P. John Lennon


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Clucking Bunnies, Speaking French, and Bermuda Shorts Day

Here are some news items, coming at you fast! Catch!

Well, I spent Easter at the cabin with the family. That was fairly fun, got some Easter-themed sugar loot, which is awesome, of course. Eggs and bunnies and all that.
Just finished the three essays that were required by my classes this semester. They are OK, not great but I hope they are at least worth a Charlie or a Bunny (FYI - that means a C or a B).
I found a Learn French by Podcast thing on iTunes. So, I have been listening to Hugh and Amelie teach me how to speak random things in French. There are a total of 126 audio lessons so far. I am on lesson 2. Go me.
This is the last week of school before exams. This is cool because then I can chillax at home studying and then, after exams, just doing NOTHING (which happens to be one of my favourite things to do).
The weather is warming up (for the time being).
This means that once school is over and now that the weather is warm, I can go clubbing!! Woot!

The Friday at the end of this week at the University of Calgary is called Bermuda Shorts Day. This day is meant to be a day of partying for the students at some place called Lot... I forget, but it's a number. Anyways, you have to buy a wristband as an entry fee for the party thing. I didn't buy one. I'm not really into strictly student parties, they sound kind of cliche. The good thing is that it means that profs are very reluctant to schedule class for that day, so both of my classes on Friday are pretty much unnecessary and I'm not going! One day of school left!!!

OK, that's really it. Except, I want to share with you two of my current favourite videos. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Au revoir.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Vive! Sort of...

Punched myself in the face on Friday. Don't think I'm some crazy masochist who likes to beat themselves up, no. It was an accident. Still hurt my mouth area though.

Saw a guy in Future Shop with the worst comb-over I have ever seen. Literally, his hair was long and it looked like he had used immense amounts of hair gel to glue it from one side of his head to the other, across the bald top in various-sized strands. I wish I owned a camera phone so I could have taken a picture of it.

Saw "Monsters vs. Aliens 3D" last night. It was really funny and the 3D-ness was awesome! I love Hugh Laurie and he played Dr. Cockroach.
"My PhD is in DANCE!!!"

Went to Schanks afterwards for drinks, that was also very fun. The hockey game had just ended when we got there, so the crowd had somewhat filtered out.

Have to write two essays within the next few days (which I've mentioned before) as well as a presentation and some more homework. This sucks.
Please e-mail me if you could offer some wisdom on any of the following topics:
- the stylistic choices in the French film "Amelie" by Jean-Pierre Jeunet
- the separation of the actor from his setting in the absurdist play "Krapp's Last Tape" by Samuel Beckett
- a crucial moment of substance from the film "American Splendor"
- tree diagrams in the analysis of syntax in linguistics

Pity me. Thanks.

I'm gone.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Unbearable Lightness of Monotony

So I went to a "play" in High River on Sunday. Longest two and a half hours of my life (except perhaps when I was watching "Silk", you know that movie with Keira Knightley) and it wasn't even a well-executed long and boring two and a half hours. Just terrible. It was nearly equivalent to being locked alone in a completely stark white room with no air-conditioning, strapped to a plastic picnic chair and made to watch 6 hours straight of little old ladies knitting and talking about orchids, poodles, biscotti, hip replacements, their grandchildren, napping, and how much Marge and Hilda enjoyed their seniors-only cruise through the Maritimes.

Last night I watched "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" on YouTube (shhhhh... you didn't read that...). It has Daniel Day-Lewis in it. I love him. He's just too great at acting. Too great.

Well, I have nothing to do this week but next week I have two essays due and that will be horrible. Hold on, I smell another long and gastly metaphor coming...
It will be like writing a book on why carpet fibres are shaped the way they are, and at the same time writing a book about how to look for funny shapes in the clouds.

These next couple of weeks, I have a feeling, will be the most boring of my life. Maybe just of this year. Maybe this month. I live a dull life.
Hoping to go out this weekend perhaps just to kill the monotony. Perhaps.

I have decided to show you the winner of my Greatest Laugh Ever award. There were no other nominees. The winning laugh goes to the brilliantly hilarious Mr. Ricky Gervais.

Great right? I know.

P.S. See what I did with the title? Clever right?

Boo ya.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hum Drum

I haven't been doing anything new. Just going to school and all that jazz.
Got a new sketchbook for my ink drawings. This one is hardcover and looks different from my coil sketchbook for my pencil drawings.
If you want to see some of my drawings, just follow this link to my DeviantArt page to see scans of my pencil drawings.
That's about it.
Trying to find a picture that I can use as a template for an oil painting. It's hard, but I want to do something naturey or something with retro cars/diners etc.

I thought I'd share some more awesome Coldplay/Chris Martin pictures with you. Enjoy!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Extra! Extra!

Read all about it! There is nothing interesting here, but read it anyways!


Week In Review News Items:

- On Friday night, I got completely plastered (aka hammered) at Kilkenny's with Tiffany and Megan. Then went to Tiff's and played Rock Band. Had loads of fun!
- On Saturday, woke up with no hangover (surprisingly) and watched movies the entire day.
- On Sunday, went to Crowfoot. Visited Blockbuster (rented "Australia" and "Burn After Reading") and Chapters (bought "Rules of Attraction" by Bret Easton Ellis).
- On Monday, went to school. That's it.
- On Tuesday, went to school. Ordered Chinese food. Yum.
- On Wednesday, went to school. Luna ate a sleeping bag. She spewed it's internal organs (stuffing) all over the basement... RIP sleeping bag.


Movie Reviews

Australia - Very epic. Like an Australian, WWII era, version of "Gone With The Wind". Hugh Jackman was delicious. Nicole Kidman was kinda annoying. It was a mind-numbing 2 hours and 45 minutes long and could have been about an hour shorter. I give it 3.2 stars.

Burn After Reading - Seriously hard to follow and not as entertaining as I hoped it would be. If you want to watch a movie in which Frances McDormand acts like a desperate, single, middle-ager; George Clooney as a weird, womanizing, slimeball; John Malkovich as a self-righteous f-bomb dropper; and Brad Pitt as a complete dorkus... This could be the movie for you. It's a complicated movie with incredibly stupid characters. It's a movie for the socially retarded. I give it 2.8 stars.

Popeye - Oh boy, I love you Robin Williams, and I forgive you for this early-in-your-career mistake, but I had many surges of emotions while watching this monstrosity. I felt like laughing then crying (purely because I had no idea what I was supposed to be feeling), then I felt like gouging my eyes out with a grapefruit spoon. It gets 0.5 stars.

Concert News

I actually got seats to the Coldplay concert! WOOT! The seats aren't the best, but it's freaking COLDPLAY! So, just to be there will be awesome. Gonna get a T-shirt.


Were you actually expecting me to have events in a section called sports?
Move on.

Health Watch:

My big toe on my left foot hurts like a SOAB. (I use the acronym SOAB because the acronym SOB is technically incorrect. Think about it.)
On Saturday, my nose bled for nearly half an hour. Non-stop. While watching "A Knight's Tale".
I've decided to get a tattoo. It's pretty small and I designed it myself. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get blood poisoning or a skin infection. *Fingers crossed*


Cold, then not-so-cold. I haven't really been paying attention.


*No article on education. Reporter is sleeping and web-surfing instead of working.*

Alrighty, if you want a subscription to this (surely Pulitzer-prize-winning) newspaper, this was just a one edition thing. Too bad.
