I still have one more exam on Monday, English: Drama. It means I actually have to write a decentish essay, which is never all that fun. It's also at 7:00-9:00pm! I want to find the exam scheduler people and bang their heads together, then maybe they will stop hating students. However, I can't particularly complain, I suppose, it gives me almost all of tomorrow to study as well.
On the Tuesday after that, I'm going to a friend's to play... You guessed it! ROCK BAND!! Apparently she got a whole bunch of new songs. I have been slated to be the lead singer for a particularly catchy German song by some German rocker chick. I think I've been studying the lyrics to that song more than I have been studying for my English exam. It's called "Perfekte Welle" by Juli if anybody is interested.
I saw "The Soloist" yesterday. It was really good. I thought Robert Downey Jr.'s performance was the best part about the movie, and I'm not just saying that. He is extraordinarily talented. I envy him. Jamie Foxx was OK, usually one-note, but he had a few good moments.

Got a new lamp for my bedroom. It has an easy on/off switch, unlike my last lamp that I may or may not have intentionally broke...
Got some chocolate-covered ju-jubes. That was enough to make my day.
OK, back to studying... Or at least avoiding studying by watching my dog play with her stuffed lobster toy.
Auf Wiedersehen
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