Friday, May 8, 2009

Satanic Housewives

Here it is. From me to you (awesome Beatles song, by-the-way). Some advice.
Don't make the same mistake I did.
Do not, under any circumstances, walk through the "clean-white-sheets" section of a Home Outfitters while holding a strawberry Jugo Juice. All of the little old conservative housewives in that store burned me with their stares of disapproval. I think they may have stolen my soul...
Oh, and for God's sake, don't stir it vigorously!! Also, don't put it down anywhere! I can only imagine what their reaction might have been if I had actually spilled it on something. Holy crap, they probably would have had an aneurysm, or at least mauled me and gouged my eyes out with the keys to their navy blue mini-vans.

Well, that was just today.

However, as I promised a few days ago, I am obligated to tell you about what happened with the friends at dinner last Saturday. Well, me and my friend Tif, we decided to prank call our other friend (it was just the three of us at dinner). So the day before the dinner we called her once, and the day of the dinner we called her again. And by "we" I mean "me", but Tif was certainly a co-conspirator. I called her on her iPhone both times and pretended to be from a fictional casting agency we dubbed "The Elizabeth Jordan Casting Agency". Each time I was a different character. The first time I was "Jenna" with a British accent, and the second time I was "Andy" with a "New York -ish" accent. They were both looking for a one "Devin Parcell". Both characters were fairly stubborn and refused to believe that they had a wrong number. She didn't know it was me at all!! Well, it all went perfectly smoothly, and we were planning on telling her at dinner that the calls were me. However, when we told her, she didn't find it even remotely hilarious! Can you believe it?!! Maybe we have an annoying sense of humour but both me and Tif found it extraordinarily funny. Oh well, you can't win all the time.

Anyways, I've just recently planted little tomato plant seeds. I can't wait until they germinate so I can repot them and stake them. Oh my, I think my thumb is turning green...

On a final note, I found these videos on YouTube last night. I was looking for a video for "A Fifth of Beethoven" by Walter Murphy, which led me to watching a video for how to do The Hustle, which led me to these. These are inmates in a prison in the Phillipines and the warden uses dance for rehabilitation. There are a bunch of other ones, but these two are my favourite. Enjoy!

I know what you're thinking and yes, the one that looks like a chick... is a dude.
The "Thriller" one is my personal fave.

And now, in the words of Porky Pig...
That's all folks!!


  1. BAHAHAHAHAHA I can't believe your friend didn't think that was funny, oh my god that's freakin' high-larious
    OMG has it been a century and a half since I've last talked to you?!? I swear to god it's been forever!
    Our birthday is comin up, got anything planned? It's the big 1-8 for you suppose people use the phrase "the big..." when talking about any birthday too much? The big 3-3? The big 2-6-and three quarters? I mean I'm pretty sure that phrase is used a little loosely...but in my case 18, it does apply, it's the only time I'm going to turn an age that allows me to buy porn and cigarettes at the same time...and still have no need or interest in either...hmmmm, iroooonnnnyyyy?
    Oh well I'm a rambling fool, email me girl, or youtube, or blog comment, singing telegram, I dunno lol don't be a stranger! And happy almost birthday!!!!

  2. PS. LMMFAO!!!!! Those prisoners!!!!
