Now, you may know of Stephen Fry either through your own wonderful discovery or through my enthusiasm of his best friend in the whole wide world, Hugh Laurie. Or maybe you don't, and you will now let me educate you. OK, I'm not going to be doing The Biography Channel presents Stephen Fry here, so you can look up the gritty details on your own, and you will want to.
Here's a good documentary on the history of Fry & Laurie. It's all about their friendship (or as I like to call the ultimate bromance) and their history as a comedy team. Here.
So, I would just like to share some videos of the genius that is Stephen Fry (and a bit of Hugh Laurie) with you.
I'll start by sharing a clip from "A Bit of Fry and Laurie". Stephen is well-known for his complete mastery of the English language and often spoofs his image as a pretentious Brit (which he absolutely isn't). Here he is in a sketch with Hugh making fun of language:
Hugh and Stephen are also famous for their blatant use of sexual innuendo in their sketches in order to get around the censors. While most of their sketches use it in some way, here's the epitome of double entendre sketches:
Stephen and Hugh are also known for their sketches being some of the most random, yet completely hilarious, in British sketch-comedy history. Here is one that I think is one of Stephen's funniest, and most random, sketches:
After they finished "A Bit of Fry and Laurie" and moved on to bigger things, Stephen made Wilde which remains his most famous and acclaimed film role. He plays Oscar Wilde in the biopic and is fabulous. Stephen doesn't really do many films (other than supporting roles) any more, which is a shame. Here's Wilde:
Recently, Stephen does more documentary series' for the BBC than anything else (that and being one of the most prominent Twitter personalities, voicing audiobook versions of works like Harry Potter, and being on top of everything to do with technology). One of the ones I haven't seen but want to is Stephen Fry in America. Here's a clip:
Stephen is a vocal proponent of censorship, particularly of swearing. Here's his brilliant explanation:
Lately, like I said, his major motion picture presence is mostly cameos and supporting roles (as he is a supremely busy man). One of his most recent was in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland superbly voicing the Cheshire Cat:
He is also a very proud and passionate defender of his beliefs. Here he is supporting the negative side of a debate about whether the Catholic church is a force for good in the world. He is a brilliant orator, a truly magnificent mind, and possesses a gift for reason and rational thinking. I know this video is long, but you would be doing yourself a great disservice if you don't watch it.
The Intelligence² Debate - Stephen Fry (Unedited)
Well, I think he's just marvelous. Some of his other credits that I didn't include but could have included his hilarious role as General/Lord Melchett (among others) in "Blackadder", his recurring role on the TV series "Bones" and numerous other films.
Here's something to look forward to! He will be playing Sherlock's older brother Mycroft Holmes in the sequel to Sherlock Holmes opposite Robert Downey Jr. which they are currently filming! You can imagine just how elated I am!
Love live Stephen Fry and his lovable Fry-ness.
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