Friday, August 27, 2010

One Way Tickets To Hell (Not Available For Pets)

So I've been spending the last couple of days watching House MD. Damn, is that ever an awesome show. I could spew for pages and pages about the amazing, talented, handsome, phenomenal, hilarious, and intelligent Hugh Laurie, but that would take a seventy-page essay that I'm willing to save for my next film analysis class. I am also taking the time to write down all of my favourite "House-isms"; that is, everything that House says that I find witty, hilarious, or sarcasticly awesome. To be honest, that's almost everything he says, so I'm doing a lot of typing.

Aside from watch House MD, I have been observing the world around me. Don't worry, I'm not going to suddenly start wearing berets and writing poetry about how a sparrow's wings lay against their body. I've been observing people. Mostly because I'm writing a book (like I mentioned before) and I find that I get my best inspiration from the weird habits of people that I see. However I feel the need to point out something that I didn't notice for my book, but can't ignore...

Life Lesson #513: Skinny jeans are only as skinny as the person wearing them.

Now, if you know me personally, you'll probably be wondering about the possible hypocrisy of that statement. I will be the first one to admit that I am certainly not a size two and I do indeed wear skinny jeans. However, I am also not a size 16 and I would like to send out a little blurb to people who are and that think they are fooling anybody by wearing these narrow-legged jeans. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but someone had to say it. Let's face it, the anonymity of the internet is good for something.

Earlier this evening, I stumbled upon this site:
Now, I must say, while there is a 100.5% chance that I will never give these people my money, the service they offer is quite amusing and, frankly, not a bad business venture. I'm sure there are many people on this planet who would gladly fork over the twelve-or-so dollars to send their ex-wife, ex-boss, ex-investment-banker, or ex-plastic-surgeon a not-so-subtle hint as to where they think they should take a long and not-so-luxurious journey.

It actually reminds me quite a bit of this site:
It's a site that, for mere $110 dollars per decade, they promise to take care of your pets when Rapture comes (aka after you are saved when Jesus comes back around). While atheists get a good chuckle out of sites like this, this site is actually a very good business idea. There are millions of hard-core Christians out there who are genuinely worried about their pet's welfare if the animals are to be left behind after their souls are taken "up". I will leave you to form your own opinion about sites like this, but I have mine. Oh, and they can now take care of horses, camels, llamas, and donkeys in New Hampshire, Vermont, Idaho, and Montana. I'd say the fact that the services that they provide are growing, that business is going rather swell.

Here is a band that I discovered via They just released an album, and here is my favourite song of theirs that I even spent £0.79 to get it. Support the unknown talent, even if it's less than a quid.
Ladies and gentlemen... The Domino State!


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