Thursday, February 5, 2009

Um... Hello... Hi...

It's me.
I hope you know who "me" is, or else, why are are you here?
Maybe you are just curious, in which case, I'll introduce myself.
My name is Jackie, I am a human being of the female persuasion.
I am currently at the age of 18 until May 28th of this year, when I will become the age of 19.
OK, if I don't know you, then that is as much information that I will share at this point in time.
Chances are that I do know you, which means you already know this and more.
I've never really had a blog before, and we'll see if this sticks. Who knows, I might get bored or busy and stop posting, but I will try to keep up with it.
Also, if you are reading this, you are probably one of the few people (if not the only one) who will actually read it. If anything, this blog is an outlet for my bizarre and boring thoughts (who thought those two adjectives would go together).
If you get annoyed, bored, irritated, confused, or angry whilst reading this... then stop. I'm not writing for you, I'm writing for me and for other people who share (or just appreciate the absurdity) of my thoughts and actions.
Well, my (probably unnecessary) introductory rant is over. From here on out I won't be including any clarifying language as to the inner workings of my consciousness, but if you know me you will get it.
Well, I'm done.
Stay tuned if you are remotely interested.
If you're not...
I don't care...

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