So I went to a "play" in High River on Sunday. Longest two and a half hours of my life (except perhaps when I was watching "Silk", you know that movie with Keira Knightley) and it wasn't even a well-executed long and boring two and a half hours. Just terrible. It was nearly equivalent to being locked alone in a completely stark white room with no air-conditioning, strapped to a plastic picnic chair and made to watch 6 hours straight of little old ladies knitting and talking about orchids, poodles, biscotti, hip replacements, their grandchildren, napping, and how much Marge and Hilda enjoyed their seniors-only cruise through the Maritimes.
Last night I watched "The Ballad of Jack and Rose" on YouTube (shhhhh... you didn't read that...). It has Daniel Day-Lewis in it. I love him. He's just too great at acting. Too great.
Well, I have nothing to do this week but next week I have two essays due and that will be horrible. Hold on, I smell another long and gastly metaphor coming...
It will be like writing a book on why carpet fibres are shaped the way they are, and at the same time writing a book about how to look for funny shapes in the clouds.
These next couple of weeks, I have a feeling, will be the most boring of my life. Maybe just of this year. Maybe this month. I live a dull life.
Hoping to go out this weekend perhaps just to kill the monotony. Perhaps.
I have decided to show you the winner of my Greatest Laugh Ever award. There were no other nominees. The winning laugh goes to the brilliantly hilarious Mr. Ricky Gervais.
Great right? I know.
P.S. See what I did with the title? Clever right?
Boo ya.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hum Drum
I haven't been doing anything new. Just going to school and all that jazz.

Got a new sketchbook for my ink drawings. This one is hardcover and looks different from my coil sketchbook for my pencil drawings.
If you want to see some of my drawings, just follow this link to my DeviantArt page to see scans of my pencil drawings.
That's about it.
Trying to find a picture that I can use as a template for an oil painting. It's hard, but I want to do something naturey or something with retro cars/diners etc.
I thought I'd share some more awesome Coldplay/Chris Martin pictures with you. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Extra! Extra!
Read all about it! There is nothing interesting here, but read it anyways!
Week In Review News Items:
- On Friday night, I got completely plastered (aka hammered) at Kilkenny's with Tiffany and Megan. Then went to Tiff's and played Rock Band. Had loads of fun!
- On Saturday, woke up with no hangover (surprisingly) and watched movies the entire day.
- On Sunday, went to Crowfoot. Visited Blockbuster (rented "Australia" and "Burn After Reading") and Chapters (bought "Rules of Attraction" by Bret Easton Ellis).
- On Monday, went to school. That's it.
- On Tuesday, went to school. Ordered Chinese food. Yum.
- On Wednesday, went to school. Luna ate a sleeping bag. She spewed it's internal organs (stuffing) all over the basement... RIP sleeping bag.
Movie Reviews
Australia - Very epic. Like an Australian, WWII era, version of "Gone With The Wind". Hugh Jackman was delicious. Nicole Kidman was kinda annoying. It was a mind-numbing 2 hours and 45 minutes long and could have been about an hour shorter. I give it 3.2 stars.
Burn After Reading - Seriously hard to follow and not as entertaining as I hoped it would be. If you want to watch a movie in which Frances McDormand acts like a desperate, single, middle-ager; George Clooney as a weird, womanizing, slimeball; John Malkovich as a self-righteous f-bomb dropper; and Brad Pitt as a complete dorkus... This could be the movie for you. It's a complicated movie with incredibly stupid characters. It's a movie for the socially retarded. I give it 2.8 stars.
Popeye - Oh boy, I love you Robin Williams, and I forgive you for this early-in-your-career mistake, but I had many surges of emotions while watching this monstrosity. I felt like laughing then crying (purely because I had no idea what I was supposed to be feeling), then I felt like gouging my eyes out with a grapefruit spoon. It gets 0.5 stars.
Concert News
I actually got seats to the Coldplay concert! WOOT! The seats aren't the best, but it's freaking COLDPLAY! So, just to be there will be awesome. Gonna get a T-shirt.
Were you actually expecting me to have events in a section called sports?
Move on.
Health Watch:
My big toe on my left foot hurts like a SOAB. (I use the acronym SOAB because the acronym SOB is technically incorrect. Think about it.)
On Saturday, my nose bled for nearly half an hour. Non-stop. While watching "A Knight's Tale".
I've decided to get a tattoo. It's pretty small and I designed it myself. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get blood poisoning or a skin infection. *Fingers crossed*
Cold, then not-so-cold. I haven't really been paying attention.
*No article on education. Reporter is sleeping and web-surfing instead of working.*
Alrighty, if you want a subscription to this (surely Pulitzer-prize-winning) newspaper, this was just a one edition thing. Too bad.
Week In Review News Items:
- On Friday night, I got completely plastered (aka hammered) at Kilkenny's with Tiffany and Megan. Then went to Tiff's and played Rock Band. Had loads of fun!
- On Saturday, woke up with no hangover (surprisingly) and watched movies the entire day.
- On Sunday, went to Crowfoot. Visited Blockbuster (rented "Australia" and "Burn After Reading") and Chapters (bought "Rules of Attraction" by Bret Easton Ellis).
- On Monday, went to school. That's it.
- On Tuesday, went to school. Ordered Chinese food. Yum.
- On Wednesday, went to school. Luna ate a sleeping bag. She spewed it's internal organs (stuffing) all over the basement... RIP sleeping bag.
Movie Reviews
Australia - Very epic. Like an Australian, WWII era, version of "Gone With The Wind". Hugh Jackman was delicious. Nicole Kidman was kinda annoying. It was a mind-numbing 2 hours and 45 minutes long and could have been about an hour shorter. I give it 3.2 stars.
Burn After Reading - Seriously hard to follow and not as entertaining as I hoped it would be. If you want to watch a movie in which Frances McDormand acts like a desperate, single, middle-ager; George Clooney as a weird, womanizing, slimeball; John Malkovich as a self-righteous f-bomb dropper; and Brad Pitt as a complete dorkus... This could be the movie for you. It's a complicated movie with incredibly stupid characters. It's a movie for the socially retarded. I give it 2.8 stars.
Popeye - Oh boy, I love you Robin Williams, and I forgive you for this early-in-your-career mistake, but I had many surges of emotions while watching this monstrosity. I felt like laughing then crying (purely because I had no idea what I was supposed to be feeling), then I felt like gouging my eyes out with a grapefruit spoon. It gets 0.5 stars.
Concert News
I actually got seats to the Coldplay concert! WOOT! The seats aren't the best, but it's freaking COLDPLAY! So, just to be there will be awesome. Gonna get a T-shirt.
Were you actually expecting me to have events in a section called sports?
Move on.
Health Watch:
My big toe on my left foot hurts like a SOAB. (I use the acronym SOAB because the acronym SOB is technically incorrect. Think about it.)
On Saturday, my nose bled for nearly half an hour. Non-stop. While watching "A Knight's Tale".
I've decided to get a tattoo. It's pretty small and I designed it myself. Cross your fingers for me that I don't get blood poisoning or a skin infection. *Fingers crossed*
Cold, then not-so-cold. I haven't really been paying attention.
*No article on education. Reporter is sleeping and web-surfing instead of working.*
Alrighty, if you want a subscription to this (surely Pulitzer-prize-winning) newspaper, this was just a one edition thing. Too bad.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Days of Past and Future
Well, nothing interesting is actually happening at the present time.
However, I thought that I might discuss what I did a few days ago and what I will do later this week. Boring to read? Probably. Boring to write? Not necessarily. Should you still read it? Why not?
Well, last Wednesday I saw "Witness for the Prosecution" at Churchill. It was good. My kudos go to the actors who had to memorize essays worth of dialogue, but it's all in the spirit and the art of the theatre *eccentric hand flourish*. I must mention, however, that I found the accents to be more laughably entertaining than convincing but I'm sure they tried their best. Wonderful work Churchillites!
On Saturday I saw "An Ideal Husband" at Theatre Calgary. Hilarious and well done. Even more dialogue memorization, and the accents were spot on. Oscar Wilde thrills me endlessly. I read (most of) "The Importance of Being Earnest" for English class. His sense of humour is intensely amusing. I also love that he didn't take art (his own or anyone else's) at anything more than face-value. There are way to many people in this world that take theatre and cinema way too seriously, searching way too deep for "hidden meaning" when there usually isn't any.
Been watching past seasons of Project Runway on YouTube. Quite entertaining. Although, it can be quite frustrating when the girl, who creates something that might be called a garment of clothing in some twisted and deranged alternate universe that not even a blind hooker would wear if she was paid a million dollars, gets to stay in, while the guy who creates a slightly boring but practical dress gets the big "Auf Wiedersehen". Still fun though.
I am excited about this Friday, aka tomorrow, though. Going out with the "gal palz". (Note: I promise not to use that phrase again in the future, but I would like to keep it in this post just because. It's wise not to question my motives, they make no sense anyway). Gonna drink, gonna laugh, gonna sing like a tone-deaf Celine Dion with laryngitis after sucking on a helium balloon, gonna dance like Richard Simmons. Sounds like a good time, right? Of course it does.
Gotta break down some parental barriers to get it to actually happen, but my outlook is exceptionally positive.
Gonna get tickets to a COLDPLAY CONCERT!! Darn right! One of the greatest bands on this here planet Earth is coming to this little Alberta town and I am getting tickets! I have to buy them online tomorrow morning at 10am, and I gotta do it fast. I am SO not missing out on this concert because I was too slow connecting my fingertips to the keys. I also get to use the maternal's credit card. Her credit card number, by the way, is...
I bet you thought I was actually going to tell you, right? If you want it, just e-mail me. I'll give it to you for a small fee.

Don't they look cool?
That was rhetorical as it is quite obvious that they are insanely cool and if you don't think so, you are no longer allowed to be my friend/acquaintance/family member/blog reader.
In the words of Ace Ventura...
Alrighty then...
Thursday, March 5, 2009
So This Is What Heaven Looks Like...
That's right.
I have died and gone to heaven.
Why? You ask.
Well, because the official trailer for Public Enemies came out this morning! Yes! That movie that I've been waiting for since Christmas 2007.
"Public Enemies" is the true story of John Dillinger's bank-robbing days, the woman he loves, and the people who chase him and eventually bring him down.
Director: Michael Mann (Of "Heat" and "Collateral" fame)
Starring: Johnny Depp (John Dillinger), Christian Bale (Melvin Purvis), Marion Cotillard (Billie Frechette)
Say what?! You say. Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in the same movie?!
YES! That is correct! Just when you think casting couldn't get better than Pacino and DeNiro in "Heat", you were wrong! Boy, oh, boy...
The trailer is incredibly thrilling and the teensy clip of Depp and Bale in a scene together was enough to send a movie fan (such as myself) squealing.
I think we need to call an ambulance, because this movie just OD'd on talent.
Here it is...
...keep a towel or Kleenex handy to mop up the drool.
I'm off.
I have died and gone to heaven.
Why? You ask.
Well, because the official trailer for Public Enemies came out this morning! Yes! That movie that I've been waiting for since Christmas 2007.
"Public Enemies" is the true story of John Dillinger's bank-robbing days, the woman he loves, and the people who chase him and eventually bring him down.
Director: Michael Mann (Of "Heat" and "Collateral" fame)
Starring: Johnny Depp (John Dillinger), Christian Bale (Melvin Purvis), Marion Cotillard (Billie Frechette)
Say what?! You say. Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in the same movie?!
YES! That is correct! Just when you think casting couldn't get better than Pacino and DeNiro in "Heat", you were wrong! Boy, oh, boy...
The trailer is incredibly thrilling and the teensy clip of Depp and Bale in a scene together was enough to send a movie fan (such as myself) squealing.
I think we need to call an ambulance, because this movie just OD'd on talent.
Here it is...
...keep a towel or Kleenex handy to mop up the drool.
I'm off.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Plays, Plays, Newsies, American Psycho, and More Plays
OK, I want to start off my post by saying that I take back what I said about not liking the music in Slumdog Millionaire. I have re-listened to some of the songs and they are amazing!
Now that that's over with...
I have to see three plays in the span of just over a week. I am somewhat excited as I love theatre, but that's a lot of theatre. I have already seen one, the next I will (hopefully) see on Thursday, and the last one I'm seeing on Saturday.
Play #1: Hamlet
This is the one I saw on Friday. It was put on by the University Drama Department. It was an all female cast. That's right. No dudes at all. Hamlet is almost entirely male roles, but I suppose they thought it was an interesting artistic choice but I thought it was distracting and I couldn't really take it seriously as a Shakespearean piece and I couldn't really appreciate the effort that was put into producing it (which I know was immense). If you want to know more about what I thought, you can read my performance review essay that I'm writing for my English class (Note: sarcastic tone should be sensed here).
Play #2: Witness for the Prosecution
I will (hopefully) be going back to Churchill to see their production of the Agatha Christie drama. I'm excited, but the reason for all of my "bracket-hopefully-bracket"s, is that I haven't bought tickets yet, and I'm hoping (with my very being) that there is at least one extra seat that hasn't been sold on Thursday night!
Play #3: An Ideal Husband
This one is a Neil Simon play being done by Theatre Calgary. These tickets were a Christmas present from the parentals. Going with a friend and I'm excited!
Well, I will be on dramatic overload this week. I don't mind, I'm usually fairly dramatic anyways.
P.S. I have been completely addicted to the Newsies soundtrack lately. It's the only thing I can listen to! I guess there is one song that I periodically listen to in between bouts of Newsies-mania. That song is "Hip To Be Square" by Huey Lewis and the News. That is only because I love the scene in "American Psycho" when Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) does a little dance and then murders Paul Allen (Jared Leto) with an axe while this song is playing. I love his explanation of what makes the song great.
P.S. #2. I've just read "Less Than Zero" by Bret Easton Ellis, and now I'm reading "American Psycho" also by Ellis. He's a good writer and, I must admit, I love how uniquely disturbing his novels are. His ideas translate well to the screen. However, the movie of "Less Than Zero" is SO completely different than the book. I'm not sure which I like better. Really, the only thing they have in common are the character names. So far, "American Psycho" is a reasonably close adaptation, but I'm not done yet.
Ta-ta for now.
Now that that's over with...
I have to see three plays in the span of just over a week. I am somewhat excited as I love theatre, but that's a lot of theatre. I have already seen one, the next I will (hopefully) see on Thursday, and the last one I'm seeing on Saturday.
Play #1: Hamlet
This is the one I saw on Friday. It was put on by the University Drama Department. It was an all female cast. That's right. No dudes at all. Hamlet is almost entirely male roles, but I suppose they thought it was an interesting artistic choice but I thought it was distracting and I couldn't really take it seriously as a Shakespearean piece and I couldn't really appreciate the effort that was put into producing it (which I know was immense). If you want to know more about what I thought, you can read my performance review essay that I'm writing for my English class (Note: sarcastic tone should be sensed here).
Play #2: Witness for the Prosecution
I will (hopefully) be going back to Churchill to see their production of the Agatha Christie drama. I'm excited, but the reason for all of my "bracket-hopefully-bracket"s, is that I haven't bought tickets yet, and I'm hoping (with my very being) that there is at least one extra seat that hasn't been sold on Thursday night!
Play #3: An Ideal Husband
This one is a Neil Simon play being done by Theatre Calgary. These tickets were a Christmas present from the parentals. Going with a friend and I'm excited!
Well, I will be on dramatic overload this week. I don't mind, I'm usually fairly dramatic anyways.
P.S. I have been completely addicted to the Newsies soundtrack lately. It's the only thing I can listen to! I guess there is one song that I periodically listen to in between bouts of Newsies-mania. That song is "Hip To Be Square" by Huey Lewis and the News. That is only because I love the scene in "American Psycho" when Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) does a little dance and then murders Paul Allen (Jared Leto) with an axe while this song is playing. I love his explanation of what makes the song great.
P.S. #2. I've just read "Less Than Zero" by Bret Easton Ellis, and now I'm reading "American Psycho" also by Ellis. He's a good writer and, I must admit, I love how uniquely disturbing his novels are. His ideas translate well to the screen. However, the movie of "Less Than Zero" is SO completely different than the book. I'm not sure which I like better. Really, the only thing they have in common are the character names. So far, "American Psycho" is a reasonably close adaptation, but I'm not done yet.
Ta-ta for now.
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